I have never seen a comprehensive list, but most major international airport websites have terminal maps and most of the time they show immigration counters and/or areas. In which case, you can research before you go and safely assume there will be exit formalities if there is any sort of immigration facility noted on the departure level before the gates.
For international travel, as a general rule, I assume there will be exit formalities and budget my airport time accordingly. And with 60+ countries under my belt, it has been my experience that they all had exit formalities (except those Calchas has already listed UK, USA, Ireland, Canada, haven’t been to Mexico)
Most countries except for the UK, USA, Ireland, Mexico and Canada impose formal exit checks in the same way they impose entry checks. (I am excluding passenger information being submitted to governments, by exit check, I mean all departing passengers queue up and an immigration officer looks at every outgoing passport.)
Therefore unless you are exiting one of those above-mentioned countries, there are formal exit controls.
Travelling within the Schengen zone of course involves no passport control, because it is designed as one immigration zone, but when you leave the zone there is an exit control.
There may be further exceptions (please reply in the comments) but actually I can think of none off the top of my head.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024