Is there any problem if the last name prints first than the first name on an air ticket?

Is there any problem if the last name prints first than the first name on an air ticket?

3/2/2017 12:11:21 PM

As a Brit I use my married name, but on the Continent they address me by my maiden name or both names. So I got a passport with both names. My credit card has both names, but in a different order! So I often end up with tickets that have my names in a different order to my passport. This is never an issue, as I think airlines and security have to be aware that conventions vary so same names, different order has to be accepted.

3/4/2014 9:32:48 PM

If you mean “Ms Jane Doe” getting reversed into “DOE/JANEMS” like the boarding pass below, that’s completely normal:

enter image description here

(courtesy Heb on Wikimedia Commons)

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