Is there an arbitration / conciliation agency for public transport in Italy?

7/11/2016 12:03:28 PM

There is an arbitration/conciliation agency for public transport Italy. It is called the Autorità Regolazione Trasporti (ART). They are the ones who ensure that your rights as a passengers are guaranteed. Your rights a passenger on a bus are defined in the EU regulation n. 181/2011, which was converted into an Italian law by the Decreto legislativo 4 novembre 2014 n. 169. The ART went ahead and paraphrased the Italian decree into a Regolamento which states your rights. In addition, there is a form, available online on the ART website, you can fill in to voice a complaint.

The Regolamento states that, as your journey was shorter than 250km, you do not have the right to claim a reimbursement, nor a validity extension for your ticket. The only rights you have are, quoting from the EU regulation:

  1. As regards the services referred to in paragraph 1 but where the scheduled distance of the service is shorter than 250 km, Article 4(2), Article 9, Article 10(1), point (b) of Article 16(1), Article 16(2), Article 17(1) and (2), and Articles 24 to 28 shall apply.

Which, in Italian, are:

I seguenti diritti fondamentali saranno applicabili a tutti i servizi regolari, indipendentemente dalla distanza prevista del servizio:

  • condizioni di trasporto non discriminatorie,
  • accesso al trasporto di persone con disabilità e a mobilità ridotta senza oneri aggiuntivi e risarcimento finanziario per la perdita o il danneggiamento delle attrezzature che ne agevolano la mobilità,
  • norme minime in materia di informazione dei passeggeri prima e durante il viaggio, nonché informazioni di carattere generale sui loro diritti,
  • sistemi per la gestione dei reclami accessibili a tutti i passeggeri, appositamente predisposti dai vettori;
  • organismi nazionali indipendenti in ogni Stato membro incaricati di garantire l’applicazione del regolamento e, se del caso, di imporre sanzioni.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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