Here is some good site with weather forecast. Check it here: Sat24
To add to previous suggestions, you can have some information on the meteofrance (french public service) website.
For example, for Hendaye :
where you can see at the page bottom average rain, temperatures, and so on.
(Rain is something to take into account if you plan to visit Pays Basque).
I tend to use WeatherSpark to look up historical data. Their main mode is kind of interactive browser (which is fun to play with by itself), but they also generate averages reports for all places their system knows about.
It’s a little hard to pinpoint accurate location from your description, since Basque Country seems to more eagerly jump to Spain parts in geolocation. Don’t forget that while we think of weather data as related to certain area, it’s actually gathered in very specific points with weather stations (often airports).
I got report for Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, while searching for it there. You might want to browse around to refine for something closer to the area you are interested in.
Their reports have numerous graphs (temperature, humidity, clouds, winds, etc). For temperature I like their “fraction of time” visualizations:
They also provide a convenient “tourism score” to help you pick out the best time to visit a given city:
Wikipedia’s pages for towns, cities and regions often include a “Climate” section which generally includes average and record temperatures, rainfall and so on.
Also, I’m sure you know this but remember that the climate at the top of a mountain is likely to be very different than that at the bottom.
I’ve always found Wunderground to be pretty useful for travel planning. You can look up the almanac data for any given day. This link has today’s data for nearby Biarritz. In addition, their travel planner has the ability to look up the historical weather for a given stretch of time. This link shows an example of the data for Biarritz from October 1 through October 15 (pictured below).‘