Is there a limit as to what distance airlines deliver delayed baggage?

2/20/2022 10:41:29 AM

Good read on the overall topic

A few conclusions

  1. There is no single standard, every airline has their own set of rules and are governed by different set of local legal standards
  2. Most airlines will go through some significant effort to deliver your bag. My record was 120 km. As far as I know, this is typically not done by the airlines themselves but by a local provider who covers an entire airport which are used by most airlines at a particular airport. This way the provider can pool all the delayed bags for a specific region and cover this fairly economically
  3. The above link covers your specific case: Delta indeed shipped a delayed bag to reach the customer at a different destination that was booked on a separate ticket. I’m guessing in this case this required some good will from the second carrier (who wasn’t responsible for anything) so your mileage may vary greatly here.
  4. If they can’t or don’t want to ship it after you, they may either have to return it to the departure airport or declare it as lost and pay compensation. That’s expensive (e.g. United pays $1500 per lost back), so if they can get it to your for less money, they probably will.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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