Hello and sorry for my bad english,
You can find on Amazon the book “Code Rousseau 2017” which I find very interesting :
There is a lot of websites to test your knowledge about french road signs, like this free test : https://www.codeclic.com/gratuit.php
Good luck !
I found a site (in french) that is the “learners resource” for preparing to pass the permis de conduire – containing everything from “inspecting the exterior of your car before getting in”, through adjusting your mirrors, to driving, handling intersections, road signs, etc.
It takes a bit of effort to navigate through it all, and there are annoying advertisements. But if you can get past that, it contains all the information you are asking for:
Example of a screen shot describing the two signs that indicate you have priority (the first – “only for the next junction”; the second – “all junctions on this road”):
The corpus of French legislative and regulatory texts governing roads is the Code de la route, however the name is also used more widely, especially to refer to pedagogical materials similar to the one you describe.
A search with this name on your favourite search engine or on French Amazon could be a good start.
In France, it is called, the “code de la route” (road rules).
You will find plenty of websites offering online tests (since it targets learners who want to take the test) to verify your knowledge.
One popular is from the Codes Rousseau.
You can download the official legal text.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024