Is there a benefit to leaving reviews on Expedia?

11/10/2019 10:25:21 PM

Not really. The idea is that you’ll leave feedback to help other travellers, as they most likely helped you too by leaving feedback, so you can avoid that dodgy hotel with bedbugs or that restaurant that gave you gastro.

The same is apparent with and other such sites. It’s a ‘I’ll help others and they’ll help me’ benefit.

Sometimes I’ve had some of these sites (especially offer a reward for leaving a review – an entry into a draw, for example. And Google has tried gamifying it by having ‘Local guide’ points and levels, asking people to leave reviews, answer questions and add photos for points.

In terms of direct feedback, if negative, you might find an enthusiastic staff member at the hotel try to contact you after seeing the review to try and remedy it.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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