There’s heaps of chlorine in the tap water so certainly no living organism left. Boiling will only remove the chlorine, hence enhance the taste. So will filtering or letting the water sit for a night in an open container, with filtering adding the risk that a poorly maintained filter introduces pollution rather than removing it.
As long as you don’t draw your water from an overhead tank that has just been cleaned by a dodgy guy you’ll end up with perfectly safe water, although maybe not the most tasty one.
I filter mine with an activated carbon filter and drink it. No mushrooms on my head yet…
Here’s my understanding from reading this reddit thread (how much more authoritative can you get?), looking at the Taipei Water Department website, and talking to an Airbnb host in the city:
Tap water is safe in Taipei on the city’s side, but most people boil or filter to be sure, since old buildings may have dirty or faulty pipes.
I don’t know about outside of Taipei.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024