Is RTP-NL operational yet?

Is RTP-NL operational yet?

8/1/2022 11:42:59 PM

allow holders of certain passports to use the automatic gates

To answer the other part of the program, it was possible on July 9, 2022 to exit the Schengen area at Amsterstam Schiphol (AMS) using an automated gate with an adult (16+) biometric passport from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Singapore and the United States of America. The queues and the gates are the same for adult European (EU/EEA/Swiss) citizens with a biometric passport.

However, non-Europeans will be asked to see a designated border officer after the automated gates to obtain a passport stamp.

Using automated desks was not possible on July 31, 2022 to enter the Schengen Area via AMS for non-European citizens.

Full implementation of this program will only be possible once the electronic Schengen Exit/Entry record system goes into force, as at the moment the only enforcement mechanism for the 90/180 short-stay rule is through examining physical passport stamps.

Panels at Amsterdam airport showing nationalities permitting self-service passport control

7/2/2022 7:51:13 AM

The announcement mentioned in this answer was correct and the Global Entry program is now live for dutch nationals.


Application Process:

Make sure you:

  • have activated your ‘Berichtenbox’ your digital mailbox on MijnOverheid;
    have authorized Koninklijke Marechaussee (KMAR) to send messages to your account.
  • Apply online: you will complete a TTP online application and pay the $100 non-refundable application processing fee.
  • Check your ‘Berichtenbox’ regularly after finalizing your Global Entry application.
    You will receive a message from the Koninklijke Marechaussee (KMAR), the Dutch border police, asking you to confirm your Global Entry application and approve the background check.

KMAR will then perform the background check. CBP will include the result of the Dutch background check in their evaluation of the application. You will receive a message from CBP with the result of your application.

Maintaining Membership

Once you have been approved for the program, the background check by the Dutch authorities will be repeated annually

Missing from there appears the in-person interview at either one of the scheduled interview locations listed here or the enrollment on arrival alternative.

As far as I know there is no update yet though on second intended function of RTP-NL ; to open up the automated self-service passport checks for non-EU nationalities wishing to enter/leave the Netherlands at Schiphol airport.

6/23/2022 8:00:36 PM

Update (June 23rd, 2022):

It seems global entry applications for Dutch citizens will be opened up on Monday, June 27th, 2022. I received the following email from the Dutch ministry of Justice:

Met veel genoegen informeer ik u dat de overheid vanaf aanstaande maandag 27 juni weer in staat is om Global Entry lidmaatschappen te faciliteren voor personen in het bezit van een Nederlands paspoort. Het aanvraagproces verloopt via de website van de CBP; Global Entry | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (

Een achtergrondonderzoek door de Koninklijke Marechaussee maakt onderdeel uit van het aanvraagproces. Hiervoor is het van belang om via de Berichtenbox berichten van de Koninklijke Marechaussee te kunnen ontvangen. Let er dus goed op dat deze mogelijkheid in uw Berichtenbox account geactiveerd is.


It is with great pleasure that I inform you that starting this Monday, June 27th, the government will again be able to facilitate Global Entry memberships for persons with a Dutch passport. The application process happens through the website of the CBP; Global Entry | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (

A background check by the Royal Military Police is part of the application process. To this end, it is important that you are able to receive messages from the Royal Military Police through your digital mailbox. So please ensure that this feature has been activated in your digital mailbox account.

I contacted the Dutch ministry of Justice regarding implementation of access to the Global Entry program for Dutch citizens. On April 5th, 2022, I received the following response:

We zijn op dit moment erg druk met de laatste voorbereidingen ten behoeve van het faciliteren van Nederlandse Global Entry aanvragen.

We wachten op de laatste vereiste goedkeuringen van de betrokken overheidspartijen om de voorziening formeel in operatie te kunnen nemen. Mijn inschatting is dat dit maximaal nog enkele weken tijd in beslag zal nemen.


We are currently very busy with the final preparations for facilitating Dutch Global Entry applications.

We are waiting for the final required approvals from the relevant governmental stakeholders to formally activate this facility. My estimation is that this will take at most a few more weeks.

2/10/2022 5:46:59 PM

Latest news you can read here (in Dutch). RTP-NL will restart in April this year.

1/4/2020 11:02:38 AM

I was going through passport control and I was able to see that the signs to e-gates now have the RTP-NL sign hidden by a black sticker. You can also see the sign for where you can register for the RTP-NL Programme.

I asked Schiphol via twitter regarding this and I got an answer below:

Thank you for your question! The latest update we have received about the re-introduction of RTP-NL stated that it is expected to be activated again in the second quarter of 2020. Those registered with RTP-NL can then become a Privium member at our airport without a European passport. More information will follow soon!

So if there are no more delays, we can probably expect it to be available sometime between April and July this year.

4/2/2018 10:50:51 AM

I went through passport control (near Pier H) this week, and while there’s a sign up near the Privium lane for RTP-NL registration, it’s blacked out with no indication of when it’s opening.

3/15/2018 11:40:35 PM

Schipol Airport tweeted about this earlier in the week. The linked tweet is in Dutch, but translates roughly as:

@ikorpershoek Hello Ies, thanks for your question. RTP-NL is currently
still in development in cooperation with the Dutch Government and
@Marechaussee. Unfortunately, We are unable to estimate the starting
date of RTP-NL at this time. ^ Job

So it’s not operational yet, unfortunately.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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