Yes, gutter oil is also a problem in Taiwan.
There’s an article in Today’s New York Times (September 19, 2014), Taiwan’s ‘Gutter Oil’ Scandal
Since Sept. 4, the Taiwanese authorities have been struggling to control a food scare caused by 645 tons of adulterated cooking oil produced by the Chang Guann Company and distributed to more than 1,200 restaurants, schools and food processors.
Yes, this is a problem rampant in South/South East Asia. A quick google search shows that not only cooking oil, but shoes, motor vehicle oil and butter are commonly counterfeited.
Not only through the web but I know first hand from buddies in Pakistan, Sri Lanka India and Bangladesh that they are tired of the spurious oil/butter/foods and even sugar coated dates. There are many who carry organic ghee (clarified butter) from the US to India because though it is an Indian product, no one in India makes affordable organic ghee. Most people would carry dates from the Arab countries while traveling to Asia.
I think this is a common problem across the Asian countries in that region. Sadly even the holograms of original manufacturers are copied and stuck to containers carrying the counterfeit product. So the end user can never know during purchase if what they are buying is really what they wanted to buy.‘
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024