Here is an official page (in English) showing the restrictions:
So the currency import or export of Chinese currency is limited 20,000 CNY In addition, if you have foreign currency exceeding USD 5000 you need to fill out some paperwork (and retain a copy so you can remove whatever of that money you may still have when you leave, if it adds up to more than $5,000 USD).
In practice nobody checks anybody’s pockets or money belts, but 20,000 CNY is quite a stack of cash (biggest note being 100 CNY) and all bags are X-rayed at customs (very rarely do they ask to have a look inside though) so if you’ve got a suitcase stuffed with cash they may well find it.
Both the German and Austrian travel advice sites state that up to 20,000 RMB is allowed. The UK travel advice (Entry requirements – China travel advice – GOV.UK) doesn’t meantion customs regulations.
@Hilmar: That’s supported by the Chinese customs page itself: Customs Clearance Guide for International Passengers
Die Einfuhr von Fremdwährung ist für Ausländer unbegrenzt möglich, muss aber ab einem Wert von 5.000 USD bei Einreise deklariert werden. Die Ausfuhr ist bei einem Wert von über 5.000 USD auf den bei Einreise deklarierten Betrag beschränkt.
Landeswährung darf bis zu 20.000 RMB ein- und ausgeführt werden.Import regulations
The import of foreign currency is unlimited for foreigners, but must be declared upon entry if the value is USD 5,000 or more. If the value exceeds USD 5,000, the export is limited to the amount declared upon entry.
National currency can be imported and exported up to 20,000 RMB.
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024