Is it safe/possible for a long haired guy to visit North Korea?

8/30/2018 9:58:24 AM

Yeah they really don’t care about your hairstyle in North Korea.

Juche (their political ideology/system) is for Koreans only and they won’t try and push it’s ideals or fashion standards onto tourists.

I didn’t have any problem with my long hair when i was there.

7/1/2014 4:40:45 PM

What you need to do here is to do some homework before you commit yourself to traveling to North Korea. Contact the tour operator and also the North Korean embassy. You should ask specific questions about the hairstyle you have and send a recent photograph. Find out if they have any restrictions about hairstyles that apply to tourists also.

A decision as to whether a long haired man should travel to North Korea can be made only by the individual himself taking into consideration his own personal background and other pertinant factors. North Korea is a very authoritative regime and there are a lot of ways people can end up in prison or a forced labor camp and having long hair is one of them, at least for the local citizens. Whether that presents a risk for visiting foreigners is something you are going to have to check into.

5/3/2014 12:24:40 PM

It’s pretty hard to prove a negative, but:

  1. The largest operator of trips to North Korea, Koryo Tours, doesn’t mention long hair as an issue in their extensive FAQ or Rules sections;
  2. It’s not particularly hard to find trip photos featuring various un-socialist hairstyles like this;
  3. And I’m positive I once read a Pyongyang trip report written by a ponytailed dude, but for the life of me I can’t find it now.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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