Is it risky to send a copy of my Passport to someone I only know online?

3/19/2018 2:19:38 PM

That’d be a bad idea. Who knows what he’ll do with the passport info alone. May be he’ll start using the info on the passport to create some duplicate ones. May not be exactly that, may be he’ll use your info for illegal activities.

People do this kind of stuff!

Forget about flying there, avoid any contact or sharing of personal details with this person.

3/19/2018 12:35:02 PM

Sending personal info to anyone you don’t know is always risky.

This seems very suspicious, and, in my opinion, you should stop talking to this person right now!

Some countries give absurd control to men over their wives. Not sure about Jordan, but might be worth to take a look at it.

6/6/2018 1:07:41 PM

Do NOT continue speaking to this man, for your own safety!

It’s clear that you feel lonely and desperate for intimate companionship, and that’s who these people target.

This man may either keep you in Jordan as a sex slave, use your identity for (further) criminal activities, force you to aid him in getting to the US illegally, or anything else. We don’t know this man’s exact intentions, but anyone saying they’ll marry you after a few months of online contact along with requesting your passport information invariably is up to no good, period.

Think about whether you’ve disclosed anything sensitive about yourself in any way. If so, report this to the police. Otherwise, simply block him on all channels without a word.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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