Is it possible to cross the Wagan border by car?

9/25/2015 2:28:24 PM

There appear to be restrictions on the vehicles that are allowed to cross the border at Wagah:

Regular buses or taxis are not allowed into the no-man’s land between the countries, so unless you’re on one of the few deluxe international buses, you’ll have to walk across the 500m between the border posts yourself. Porters — blue coats for the Indians, green coats for the Pakistanis — can carry your belongings for a few dollars. There is a taxi stand on the Indian side of the border and you can get a taxi from there. The Pakistan side taxi stand is about one kilometer away.

It’s not clear to me whether private passenger vehicles (as opposed to buses & taxis) are allowed across, nor whether there are other border crossings that allow for private passenger vehicles. However, Wagah also appears to be the only crossing that is open for international travelers, so if you’re not from India or Pakistan, you’ll definitely have to go the long way around.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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