The majority of dogs and small animals are shipped in a special section of the lower cargo hold, which can be climate controlled better than the rest of the cargo hold. This area is not open for human travel, as it has no seats or seat belts, no bathrooms, no windows, no communication and no easy access to the rest of the plane.
The pallet area on the top deck does not have a lot of space to allow people to walk around the pallets. While in theory your dog could be loaded in the foremost container, due to liability and safety issues the chance of being allowed in the cargo bay as a non-employee is basically zero.
As I mentioned in my comment, horses are transported in specially designed planes which are chartered by horse owners, race organizers, etc. These planes have compartments for horses and seating for trainers/groomers. Horses do not fly on standard cargo flights.
Other rare animals, zoo animals, etc would likely travel by private charter likely in a cage designed specifically for that animal and with proper seats for staff.
Short of chartering your own plane, your best bet is a series of short flights, so that you have access to your dog at the stop over cities.‘