Is it possible for a tourist to visit South Ossetia?

4/4/2013 6:53:05 AM

I tried to get into South Ossetia from Gori, in May 2008. Less than 3 months Before the 5-day-war. When I got to the checkpoint on the Georgian side, the military asked me what I was doing there “Do you know there is a war going on here” he said. Well he was right – 2 month later.

So I would like to say. No way you can get into Soth Ossetia from Gori today. You have to go from North, take the Roki tunnel. If you get a visa from the South Ossetian embassy in Moscow.

11/7/2011 8:39:06 AM

The situation is very complicated. Georgia says that Abkhazia and South Ossetia are Georgian territories, and you can go there from Georgia by this border crossing:

  • to South Ossetia from Gori – my friends from Germany made a trip this year.

If you get into these territories not by these points, you would get problems (fee from $1200 or jail up to 5 years!) during next visit to Georgia, according to Georgian law (sorry, only in russian), because you’ll get stamps from Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
You can only try to get new passport before visiting the Georgia.

From Russia you can visit these territories by this border crossing:

There is not much problem to get a visa from South Ossetia consulate in Moscow

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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