Is it legal to visit the US on a tourist visa for the purpose of giving birth?

11/11/2016 7:13:24 AM

Yes, it is legal. The issue is merely one of medical costs and who pays for them but:

The B-2 Tourist Visa is a non-immigrant visa meant for persons entering the U.S. for pleasure or medical treatment.

Or from the US Department of State:

Tourism and Visit (B-2):

  • tourism
  • vacation (holiday)
  • visit with friends or relatives
  • medical treatment
  • participation in social events hosted by fraternal, social, or service organizations
  • participation by amateurs in musical, sports, or similar events or contests, if not being paid for participating
  • enrollment in a short recreational course of study, not for credit
    toward a degree (for example, a two-day cooking class while on vacation)

My emboldening.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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