Is it legal for a visitor in Dubai to drink alcohol?

8/10/2018 4:57:26 PM

Or maybe not.

It is wholly illegal for any tourist to have any level of alcohol in
their blood. It is illegal to consume alcohol at a bar, a hotel and a
restaurant and if breathalysed, that person will be jailed.

(said Radha Stirling, CEO of the British human rights NGO Detained In Dubai)

8/10/2018 11:48:46 AM

Disclaimer: I have never been to Dubai, but all online sources I have found are consistent.

In Dubai, it is prohibited for resident moslems to buy and consume alcohol. Non-moslem residents and visitors above the age of 21 are allowed to buy and consume alcohol with restrictions similar to those in many western countries.

  • Alcohol is sold at retail stores. Both the retailer and the customer are required to have a license. Such licenses are issued to non-moslem residents, but seem difficult or more or less practically impossible to get as a visitor.
  • Alcohol is sold for immediate consumption at licensed bars and restaurants. Visitors are allowed to buy and consume alcohol at these venues.
  • Alcohol consumption in public places (and it is obvious that this means ‘outside licensed venues’) is strictly forbidden and often prosecuted.
  • Being under the influence of alcohol is prohibited in public, but there does not seem to be a clearly defined limit. Staggering around obviously drunk is probably not a good idea.
  • Driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol is prohibited.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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