Is it inappropriate to record the call to prayer?

10/7/2014 9:35:38 PM

I believe Sinead O’Connor has recently done a cover version of it and had it played with full permission on Islamic radio. On her blog she details that she had to use the whole thing with no cuts.

10/7/2014 9:09:21 PM

It is not inappropriate to record the calls to prayer. It is, however, considered a sign of disrespect to cut the recording short before the “muezzin” finishes reciting the call to prayer.

10/7/2014 8:05:09 AM

It is perfectly fine. The call to prayer is frequently televised so there is nothing wrong with recording it and posting it on youtube. It is done often.

However, do not go to the mosque during prayer and start recording there. Its not that its not allowed, its just that you’ll have to have prior permission and you may be a distraction to the congregation.

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