It’s not rude, it doe sat least show that you have made an effort to prepare.
Having said that it is pretty easy and also basic courtesy to memorise a few general purpose spoken phrases such as ‘please’, ‘thankyou’ ‘hello’and ‘good day’.
This will show native speakers that you are trying and in most cases (except perhaps Paris) will be appreciated.
So you might say ‘hello, I’m sorry I do not speak [Spanish] well…’ and point to your list, then conclude your conversation with ‘thank you very much’.
The crucial thing is to deport yourself in a friendly and polite manner (ie smile) , this will come across regardless of language and most people will do their best to help you.
That is not very effective
Get one of those picture books for travellers (like Point It) that contain photos of everyday objects that you can point to. (Or put their app on your phone)*.
and together with your hands you come a long way.
* Note that the app does not get good reviews. I have posted a question on SoftwareRecs.SE to ask for alternatives
Do not point at sentences, speak them and learn.
I am using a standardized list of words in the native language which
not only contains the basics (salutations, farewells, thanks,
yes, no, sorry, help, watch out !), but names of
characters (for spelling), numbers, locations, time, colors
and directions. For each word I write down how it is best
spoken in my native language.
I really find it invaluable, it does not matter how bad it
is spoken the first time. If you start speaking in the native
language, it a) signalises that you are really interested in
the people, their land and their culture and do not simply
want to watch them or treat them as part of the scenery and
b) is very disarming because you are willing to take the
risk of bad language and embarass yourself for trying to
communicate with them (Only theoretically; I have never
encountered someone in 20 years who did hold bad language
against me). Especially smaller countries and cultures
take it very positively that you use at least salutations
and farewells.
You will learn very fast how it is correctly spoken and
use it the next time. First you need to read them again,
then you do not need the list most of the time.
It is very likely that the key sentences will
stick in your memory, I still know the Polish and
Danish key sentences.
Once you at least tried to communicate, the people are
much more open to help out, then they will also accept
speaking other languages, use sign language or that
you point out sentences.
I was in Spain this summer for the first time since 1978. The level of English spoken in tourist centers has grown by a factor of at least 10 since then. I was a little pained that when I spoke Spanish (in which I am conversant) I got replies in English. Almost every restaurant had an English-language menu. I recommend learning Please and Thank You.
(Off-topic: I’d go to Granada over Málaga.)
As @Aganju asked “How would you understand their answer?”
In my travels to places where I don’t speak the language and in taking foreign language classes in school, the difficulty of understanding a reply is much higher than formulating a simple question.
Even for things like “where is the bathroom?”, unless the bathroom is in a straight line that can by pointed to then there’s a good chance that the answer won’t actually help me get to the bathroom. For questions like “How do I get to the airport?” you basically have no chance to comprehend the answer if you can’t even be bothered to learn “Cómo llego al aeropuerto?”
Getting back to your question, if you pull a card with a phrase in Spanish printed on it and make someone read it but then can’t understand the answer and really have no way for them to answer you then I’d say that is pretty darned rude. If you are one of those people, unlike me, that can understand the language when you hear it but for some reason can’t speak it then it’d probably be OK. Although I’d be surprised if someone could understand the language well enough but couldn’t ask even the simple questions on your list.
part 1
@jpatokal ‘s answer fits perfectly. althought pointing at symbols / tourist guides isn’t that strange as pointing to words written up, so if you had something like this (but better, ofcoruse) printed, people that didn’t get a single word of english could still “point” you a “vague” direction :
part 2
Averagely bad. tourist restaurants have waiters that understand and speak it, and menus on english, but on the non-tourist parts (which sometimes are tourist-heavy zones for their POI’s or their cultural attractive, like (surprisingly for tourists) the sagrada familia on barcelona o la castellana in madrid), where little or no one speaks english fluently as most bars, restaurants and coffee shops there are run by locals that didn’t learn it on school back in the 60’s / 70’s / 80’s. so better have a small list and maybe a pronouncing guide.
I always reccomend this quick pronouncing blog post here
And don’t worry trying to speak spanish in barcelona (instead of catalan), we’re kind with tourists , and i will say that some are even kinder to those who try to communicate in the local languages, be it catalan or spanish. even if the communication is not really fluid.
Well english is not my first language, but when travelling abroad, I still use it as a lingua franca as it is generally understood in all touristic places. But I also think polite to learn some key words in the local language: good morning, good night, good bye, please, thank you, may I have the bill please, sorry I do not speak spanish (put the language of your choice here).
The rationale is not to imagine that the person I am speaking to does not understand english (his is often better than mine, and anyway I am unable to understand the local language…), but only showing I have made an effort to learn some local words.
Although not in the majority, there are quite a few (mainly younger) people in the cities you mention (especially the touristy parts) that do speak at least some English.
I suggest you learn this one Spanish Phrase “Buenos días, habla inglés?”. Essentially meaning “Hello, do you speak English?”. If they answer “no”, then you may use some of the printed phrases, combined with body language, as that often goes a Long way.
Jpatokal’s answer is great as well
Yes, it would be, if not “rude”, then at least kind of awkward. Malaga, Barcelona and Madrid are all heavily touristed areas and most restaurant staff are very used to dealing with tourists who do not speak Spanish.
You also don’t really need any spoken language to convey “table for one” (hold up a finger), “I’ll have what he’s having” (point at neighboring table), “menu please” (draw a box with your fingers), “bill/check please” (sign an imaginary check), etc. You may need some help translating the menu, but Google Translate and phrasebooks are great for this.
The one exception is if you need to convey something complicated and important like “I have an allergy and will die if the cook does not pay attention”, in which case something like this would be fine.‘
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