Is it allowed to bring condoms in airplane?

10/15/2015 10:49:01 AM

Yes, and there are great articles online detailing travelling with condoms. They’re not liquids, flammable or on any of the TSA unapproved lists, so you’re totally fine to take them. However, remember they’re meant to be stored at room temperature as they are still medical devices you don’t want to take risks with damaging them. Don’t store them with sharp items in your carry-on (even pens etc). If your laptop or phone gets really warm, it’s best not to have them side-by-side either.

However, there are also stories of travellers being detained because of the condoms in their luggage, where they were accused of being working girls(!), so … all things considered, it might be better to just get some at the destination.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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