You’re using the wrong website. Their global website–distinct from the English-language version of their Chinese website, which you show screenshots of–works fine without any fiddly mobile signups or Chinese error messages.
I haven’t got to the bottom of how the website works, but here’s some hints:
The page
, which starts off with a frustrating image of a plane above clouds, plus some Chinese text which is done as an image so I can’t copy-paste-machine-translate, eventually turns into something more useful:
… which probably won’t help you unless you’ve signed up to them.
One hassle I had with signing up was successfully getting an SMS verification code. Rather than using “Australia”, and then entering in 0491 570 156 (not my real mobile number), I had to get rid of the first “0” and use “491 570 156” instead.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024