China Airlines is in the IATA IOSA registry. See How are safety standards enforced in an airline which is not IOSA certified? for more on IATA IOSA.
Further, China Airlines is allowed to fly commercial flights from the United States (for eg CI-7 LAX-TPE) and the EU (for eg CI-66 AMS-BKK) both. The safety regulations for those are extremely strict.
I found a site about plane crashes. It seems a little morbid, but has a lot of information about plane crashes, including accidents history, statistics and events by airline.
According to them, the last crash by China Airlines was in 2002. They had a bad time in the 80’s and 90’s, when they crashed 8 times. It seems to me they have learned form their faults, as they now have 13 years without accidents.
Sometimes aviation is like stock market, the past is not a good predictor for the future, a plane may crash at anytime, even in Qantas, but odds are you’ll be safe flying China Airlines.
Realistically China Airways is as safe as any other major airline. That’s not to say that there couldn’t be a safety issue on them tomorrow, just like there could be on any airline – but realistically the odds are incredibly low.
Historically (going back 15-20 years or more) they did have a relatively poor reputation for safety, however in recent years they have made significant improvements, and they have not had a fatal accident for over 12 years, and even that one was caused by a problem that had occurred 22 years earlier (metal fatigue after a repair job completed in 1980).
The Australian government is very strict about airline safety, so any airline that is flying into or out of Australia will be up to at least a minimum level of safety and security.
(And yes, I have flown China Airlines, and would fly them again)‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024