Is a flight number unique for the schedule, origin and destination?

12/30/2013 1:23:04 PM

There is nothing anywhere to say that the airline won’t change the flight number or reuse the same flight number to connect different destinations.

Case in point: United flight 237 contains 2 different segments flown by 2 different aircraft today so in essence you can look at it as 2 different flights.

On occasion airlines change flight numbers for the same destinations due to various conditions most notable one is an accident for example Moscow – Hong Kong is now flight SU212 but it didn’t used to be and so on.

Just about the only thing that you can expect is that flight number for a regularly scheduled flight will change sufficiently enough in advance of bookings/reservations so that airline doesn’t have to notify clients of the change midstream.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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