Is a California interim driver's license valid in NY, Iceland and Portugal?

8/25/2016 4:51:41 PM

I went ahead and asked the NYS DMV directly. In short, an interim license is not valid to legally drive in NY.

My question was:

I just received my interim driver’s license from the state of California. I will be flying to New York before the regular license arrives in the mail. Can I legally drive in New York State with this interim driver’s license? It contains my name, physical descriptors, and license number, but no photograph. I do have a valid photo ID however.

Their response:

Dear Claudiu,

You will not be able to legally drive in NY with an interim license. You will need a valid drivers license with a picture ID. Thank you.


[name redacted]

License Production Bureau

If another state in the same country doesn’t recognize the license, I would be very surprised if another country does!

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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