I made it to Finland through LHR from India on 27th June. Below are few points experienced in my whole journey:
10. Reached T2 by 12:15PM, waiting till 3PM where check in begins, and I was the first to do that. Followed by security check, where I was asked to dump all perfume bottles etc., which are beyond 100ml. Finally I am in to gates and boarded flight at 18:10PM and reached Helsinki by 21:30PM.
To conclude, never ever book two different tickets for the journey until no other options available. If yes, keep a good amount of duration between the flights. Also until Covid situation exists everything is unknown.
Would like to know if ~2.5 hrs is sufficient for entire recheck-in/immigration/customs process?
I would give it a 50/50 chance at best.
Heathrow immigration wait times can be substantial: you can check recent performance here https://www.heathrow.com/company/about-heathrow/performance/airport-operations/border-force-performance-reports
It’s also a bit of a rush hour: a lot of the US and middle eastern flights come in between 7:00 and 8:30. Covid controls or confusion often slows things down as well.
On the plus side, your flight is unlikely to be full and if things go "normal" you will actually arrive earlier since the airlines often pad the schedule to improve their apparent online performance and avoid delay compensation.
Any possibility where I can save time in the process?
If everything runs well you might make it, if only one thing takes more time than planned you will miss your second plane.
It usually takes between 30 and 90 minutes from the plane seat to outside the luggage collection area. Most airlines ask you to drop your luggage at least an hour before the flight but longer time spans are possible. And if you drop your luggage at the last moment you will have to be very quick through the airport as you will have no spare time.
You see you do not have a lot of time if things are a bit slow, no time at all if your route through the airport to your luggage (or luggage delivery) takes a lot of time.
And that is assuming it is in the same terminal. If you also have to move between terminals, forget it. No way possible at all.
Usually people advice 4 hours or more between flights if on separate tickets. But with a long flight as the first of the set, I would want more time.
It might be needed to buy a second ticket to Helsinki, or at least move your flight by 4 or more hours, 24 is more likely.
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024