Are you looking for lesser-known facts about Indonesia ? Here is a collection of interesting and fun facts about Indonesia which You’ve Never Heard Before as well as you can also read general information about Indonesia such as culture, history, government rule, etc.
Indonesia has been claimed as the most popular destination for travelers worldwide. The country’s location is spread over Southeast Asia, which is located towards two continents Asia and Australia. So friends, Let’s know more interesting facts and information about beautiful Indonesia.
There was a big catastrophe in Indonesia in 2004. Because of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. More than 200000 million people were killed, of which 125000 million people were from Indonesia only. A similar catastrophe has occurred in Indonesia recently in 2018. Due to which public life has completely dissolved, many families are separated from each other.
But in this bad time in Indonesia, the whole world stands with them and we also hope that Indonesia comes out of this bad time as soon as possible. And so today we are going to tell you about some interesting history associated with Indonesia so that people can know about this wonderful country.
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1.You must have heard about Akhand Bharat. Indonesia was also a part of Akhand Bharat in ancient times. The evidence of which is found in the history of Indonesia.According to the history of Indonesia, there were originally followers of Hindu and Buddhist religions in Indonesia.But in the 8th century, Muslim traders attraction increased for Indonesia and their numbers started increasing here.Businessmen from outside spread their religion here by marrying local women of Indonesia. This is the reason that the majority of the population here today consists of Muslims.However, despite this, this country is still associated with the Hindu tradition, Indonesia’s Ramayana is the world’s best Ramayana. People of this country believe that Islam is their religion but Ramayana their culture. The whole world should probably learn from a country with such sentiments.
2.Indonesia is a country between Malaysia and Australia, there are more than 14 thousand islands in this country, you will not find such islands anywhere else in the whole world.
3.Indonesia is a country of ethnic diversity where 700 local languages are spoken. Although Bahasa is the main language of Indonesia.
The total population of this country is 25.5 crore, which is the fourth largest country in the world in terms of population. Also, Indonesia’s economy is the largest in East Asia. Due to which Indonesia is also a member of the G20, the group of most economies in the world.
Indonesian is the second-largest country in the world after Brazil in biological diversity. Indonesia is the largest producer of nutmeg in the world. Not only this, Indonesia has more than 150 mammals, more than 500 birds and more than 2 thousand species of Orchids.
The world’s largest flower, the Rafflesia arnoldii, is also found only in Indonesia-Mainly found in Malaysia and Indonesia, Rafflesia is an amazing parasitic plant, whose flower is a giant flower from the flowers of all plants of the botanical world.
Rafflesia is an amazing parasitic plant, whose flower is a giant flower from the flowers of all plants of the botanical world. Its discovery is considered by Louis Deschamps between 1791 – 1794. But the discovery of Rafflesia was first recorded in the rain forests of Indonesia in 1803 when it was first noticed by a local guide of Dr. Joseph Arnold team. It was named after Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the leader of the same investigative team. 30 species have been discovered so far. The largest flower of the Rafflesia species (Rafflesia arnoldii) is about 1 meter in diameter and can weigh up to 7-11 kg. Its smallest species (Rafflesia baletei) is 20 cm in diameter.
Indonesia is the only country where the world’s largest lizard Komodo dragon is seen. The Komodo dragon was first described by Dutch explorers in 1910 when two dragons were killed and their skin was brought to Java. The Chinese dragon is also said to be based on the Komodo dragon.
A Komodo costs around $3350 (24 lakh rupees) in the international market. Komodo Dragon is the world’s largest lizard, currently numbering 5 thousand During the First World War, a soldier saw the dragon, he fainted upon seeing it. Komodo Island will be closed for a year from January 2020. Sources say that 41 dragons were smuggled in a month from here. For this reason, it has been decided to close it. Now only about 5 thousand dragons are left here. During its closure, efforts will be made to increase their number.
The Javan Rhinoceros species of Java is found only in Indonesia. It is one of the extinct animals whose population is now about 50.
The world’s largest Buddhist temple is located on the island of Java in Indonesia. The Buddhist temple Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world, located on the island of Java in Indonesia. Its height is 113 feet and it is believed that it took 75 years to complete.
On 26 December 2004, the world’s second-largest earthquake (Earthquake) hit the coast of the island of Sumatra with an intensity of more than 9.3. Due to this tsunami, more than .3 lakh million died or lost in dozens of countries of the Indian Ocean.
The world’s largest bee has been discovered. Its size is as big as a human’s thumb. Decades ago this fly disappeared and now it has been found in the island of Indonesia.
In January 2019, a team of experts set out in search of this fly in the jungles of Indonesia.After a long-time search, the forest department experts have found the only living female bee of this species. Its name is ‘Wallace-giant B’. It is named after the naturalist and explorer Russell Wallace.In 1981, many scientists had observed the secretion of this bee and after this species was not seen.
The World largest volcanic lake in Indonesia is Danau Lake which is located in Sumatra. It is believed that about 70 thousand years ago, there was a volcanic foot here, which was the biggest volcano in world history.
14.The Krakatoa volcano eruption in Indonesia has brought so much ash so that the entire sky has been covered with darkness for several days and the temperature has dropped to 12 degrees for many years.
15.In Indonesia, the rice field is called Paddy, the market for rice is called Beras and the cooked rice is called Nasi.
16.The national dish of Indonesia is Nasi Campur, which is the main dish of everyday food here.
17.Indonesian children living on Bali Island are always given at least four names.
18.Indonesia is the largest exporter of Frog Legs in the world, 4600 tonnes were exported to Europe alone in the last decade.
19.In the last few years, extremist Islamic organizations have also made their presence here. Some are accused of being associated with al-Qaeda. It also includes those organizations which are accused of exploding in Bali in 2002. 202 people were killed in these blasts.
20.Former US President Barack Obama spent some of his childhood in Indonesia, where he studied in a government school and his colleagues used to call him Barry.
21.The minority Hindu population in Indonesia mainly resides on the island of Bali. The belief of Bali Hindu residents is that there is a tradition of not touching the newborn baby from the ground for six months from birth, which is done to protect the child from evil
22.Indonesia’s Krakatoa volcano witnesses the largest volcanic eruption. This volcano erupted on August 27, 1883, had the same energy as the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima.
23.Bali Island of Indonesia has attracted tourists from all over the world due to its beauty. This is the reason that millions of people come here every year to see the beauty of Bali.
24.Indonesia has more than 400 latent volcanoes and at least 3 earthquake tremors are felt daily. And that is why it is often at risk of the natural disaster.
25.Indonesia is the country with the largest group of islands in the world, consisting of 17,508 islands of which about 6000 islands are inhabited.
26.The first European traveler to visit Indonesia was Marco Polo who visited Indonesia in 1292.
27.During World War II, from 1942 to 1945, the Japanese invaded Indonesia and captured it.Three of the world’s ten largest islands, Borneo, Papua New Guinea, and Sumatra are part of Indonesia.
28.Despite being a country with a growing economy of the world, more than half of Indonesia’s population lives on $ 2 a day.
29.Indonesia is the largest producer of nutmeg in the world, which is the basic product of Banda Island.
30.The word ketchup in English is derived from the Indonesian word kecap, which is called sweet soy sauce here.
31.Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is the most populous center in the world without a metro train system, due to which it has to face the worst traffic jam in the world.
32.Kissing in Indonesia is called Cium. Most Indonesian residents kiss each other’s cheeks and greet.
33.Male orangutans are a wild creature found on the Indonesian islands of Borneo and Sumatra, which is eight times stronger than humans.
34.The chili was brought from southern India 600 BC on the island of Java Sumatra, Indonesia. Then the residents here produced pepper and white pepper.
35.Environmental experts have warned about Jakarta, one of the fastest sinking cities on earth. He said that if this pace continues, one-third of it could sink by 2050. Jakarta is home to around 10 million people.The reasons include uncontrolled exploitation of groundwater reserves, rising sea level and rapidly changing weather for decades. Parts of it have started disappearing from now.
In Indonesia’s history, April 17 is remembered as a nightmare. On 18 April 1815, the Tambora volcano exploded with a blast.Situated on the island of Sumbawa, the volcano was calm for hundreds of years, but on April 5 it began to vibrate suddenly, and on April 17, it erupted fiercely. Nearly 100000 people died in the incident.
37.The Indonesian government has recognized only six religions Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Protestant, Catholicism, and Confucianism. Every Indonesian citizen must be a believer in any one of these religions, even if he or she has some other belief. No couple of different religions can legally marry among themselves unless they convert.
Hundreds of pilgrims gather at the ‘mountains of sex‘ Gunung Kemukas in Java, Indonesia, to seek out strangers and have sex with them. Doing this seven times in a row serves the purpose of the pilgrim. That is why Gunung Camukus is also called the ‘mountain of sex‘.Actually, a festival called Pon is celebrated every year on the Bali island of Indonesia. In this festival, the women have a physical relationship with an unknown person. Also, husbands of married women know this. This tradition has been going on here since the 16th century.
To celebrate the pon festival, a large number of men and women arrive at Mount Kemukas Mount in Solo, the village of Java.Here women seek out an unknown person and then have a physical relationship with him. Then at an interval of every 35 days i.e. when the festival is held, the woman has to have a relationship with the same man. Only after doing this seven times in a row, the purpose of women is fulfilled.
It is said that making a physical relationship with an unknown partner fulfills each other’s wishes. It is also said that if a woman forms a relationship with an old partner, then their wishes will not be fulfilled. Hence, every time women have to find new partners in order to have a physical relationship.It is believed that a prince was caught making physical relations with his stepmother on this island after which he was killed. They are both buried on this hill.
In Indonesia, a woman who wants to join the police has to give her a virginity test. Such a test is astonishing. Police recruitment rules for women in Indonesia do not end here, but the beauty of women is also tested.Indonesia’s move has come under severe criticism. According to media reports, this process is still going on even today.
There are many criteria on which women have to meet, but people are objecting to the virginity test. Because it is also being said that this test is done mostly by male officers which is condemnable.
According to a BBC report, clove trees used to grow only on islands of East Asia, some three thousand years ago. It is said to be the oldest clove tree in the world on the island of Ternate, Indonesia.There are volcanoes in most of the island of Ternate, but still, a large number of people visit here. The BBC report states that clove trees were found on Ternate, Tidor and some islands around it 3-4 thousand years ago. People living on these islands by trading cloves had become quite wealthy at that time.
ndonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world and the Hindu population here is less than two percent, but still, there is an impression of Hindu culture. Hindu Gods and Goddesses are worshiped in Indonesia, the influence on the language is also seen.
Muslims also study Ramayana to become better human beings in Indonesia. Ramayana is part of the schooling. Even today, the Ramayana has a profound influence on Indonesia.Java and Sumatra Islands in Indonesia are mentioned in the Ramayana composed by Valmiki. That is, Ramayana is the first written history of South-East Asia.
The Indonesia Archipelago has been an important trading area since the seventh century when it had trade relations with China and India during the Srivijaya monarchy. Local rulers gradually adopted Indian cultural, religious and political and later Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms flourished.
Indonesia’s history has been influenced by foreigners, who were drawn because of the region’s natural resources. Muslim traders brought Islam with them.Independence was achieved after World War II after three and a half hundred years of Dutch colonialism.
On 17 August 1945, Indonesia gained independence from the Netherlands. The national monument or ‘Monas’ is a symbol of the determination of the people here to achieve independence. There is a flame at the top of the monument pillar made of 137 meters long marble with a 35 kg gold coating.
In the middle of the 18th century, Jawa Mataram had to surrender his territory and power to the Dutch East India Company. In 1749, the Dutch East India Company became the ruling power of Java.
Between 1789-99, there was a political and social revolution in France during Napoleon Bonaparte. The new Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, conquered several islands in East Asia and Central Asia, including Indonesia, and the sovereignty of France was established in Indonesia.
In 1811, Britain snatched Indonesia from Napoleon Bonaparte. England also could retain Indonesia for only 8 years. According to the decision taken at the Vienna Congress held in 1819, England handed over the island of Indonesia to the Dutch (Dutch).
In 1825, the people of Indonesia revolted against the Dutch rule, but the rebellion was crushed.In the First World War (AD 1914-19), the Allies gave the slogan of democracy and freedom.This also spread the spirit of nationalism in Indonesia but when World War ended and Indonesia got nothing, there was resentment against Dutch rule in Java and Sumatra in 1920.
During the Second World War (AD 1939-45), in 1942, Japan occupied the Indonesian islands and established the military rule. The Dutch had to evacuate Indonesia but some islands still remained in their possession. When Japan fell in 1945, the Government of Japan announced the independence of Indonesia before it surrendered.
From 23 August to 2 November 1949, a conference was held in the Hague to solve the Indonesian problem. Indonesia was declared a union state after the decision taken in it.On 15 August 1950, the Indonesian Unified Republic was established and in 1955, all relations between Indonesia and Holland came to an end.
If you want to visit the beautiful country of the continent, Indonesia, then visit these places. Believe it here you will be close to history, nature, and spirituality.
A Hindu temple Prambanan is situated in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This temple is quite famous. It was built during the 9th century for Trimurti i.e. Brahma Ji. In this temple, images of Brahma, the protector Vishnu and the destroyer Shiva are installed.
Prambanan Temple is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This temple represents ancient architecture as well as being the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia.
The famous mosque of Indonesia includes the name of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. It is situated in the middle of the beautiful city of Banda Ake. The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is an important symbol of prosperity, religion, and culture among the people of Banda Ake.
This mosque was affected by the 2004 tsunami but it did not reduce its importance among the people. The design of this mosque reflects the local tradition and Mughal Indian architecture.
Talking about the Natural Tourist Attraction of Indonesia, Mount Bromo is a very good place in East Java. It is the most popular of the many volcanic mountains in Indonesia. The view of the sunrise at Mount Bromo is very pleasant. Tourists from all over the world visit here to see this volcano.
The island of Lombok in Indonesia has also saved the beauty of nature. Today, this island is also counted in the main tourist places. A large number of tourists visit here. The island is quite close to the island of Bali. In such a situation, if you go to Bali, then you can also roam here. This place is considered to be the best for a honeymoon.
Raja Ampat Island of Indonesia is known for diving. It has made a mark for it not only in Indonesia but in the whole world. Raja Ampat is famous as the largest marine park in Indonesia. There are more than 1000 species of fish, turtles, algae and coral species. In such a situation, this place is good for sea diving.
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