Inter-state driving law references

8/5/2022 8:55:14 PM

Other traffic/car laws that change quite a bit too between states:

  • The speed laws. This page summarizes some of the differences. E.g., some states don’t gave a fine if driving slightly higher than the posted speed limit.
  • Radar detectors and radar jammers
  • Window tint laws.
  • Some states (e.g., WA) allow drivers to take a photo of their vehicle registration and store it on their cell phone, instead of keeping the physical vehicle registration card in the car.
12/18/2013 6:07:17 PM

Generally speaking the question is too broad. There is information on some of the issues available on Wikipedia:

  1. Right Turn on Red
  2. Left Turn on Red
  3. Pass on the Left and Right
  4. U-Turn

And so on. The common practice in most states is the following:

  • Right turn is permitted on Red unless specifically prohibited, Right turn arrow indicated or in New York City.
  • Left turn on Red one way to one way and otherwise is prohibited, unless seen as common practice by the locals.
  • U-Turn permitted where left turn is permitted unless specifically prohibited or crossing a solid double line.
  • Passing in the Right lane: Permitted on a multilane road
  • Left lane non-passing usage is permitted unless otherwise posted.
  • Cellphone usage. Varies widely from state to state from Fully Prohibiting usage of handheld devices such in New York, Connecticut to being a secondary offense, to not being an offense.

My general advise to you is watch the locals and follow what they do. Because aside from real laws there are Dumb Laws, which also include traffic laws such as required honking while passing a car in Virginia. Is that enforced? Probably not but law is still on the books.

9/6/2011 3:53:35 PM

Heh, there are some awesome ones, especially as the US was the first country I’d experienced where people drive on the right hand side. Anyway..

This site:

Covers a LOT of the differences – in regards to ages, permits, cellphone / handheld laws, and older driving restrictions. is an interesting blog post on the matter, and mentions some of the speeding, seatbelt and drinking laws.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety covers even more :

And finally, the ultimate resource:

has the driving and road code for every single state in the United States. Even Iowa 😉

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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