In the EU, what rights do you have if your rental car agency fails to deliver?

7/10/2017 4:28:07 PM

As noted in the 2005 report, Car Rental Contracts An analysis of European cross-border complaints

Contracts governing the provision of vehicle hire are not regulated by special rules in any EU country.

It is an ongoing consumer issue, however, one on which

The European Commission has been working closely together with European consumer authorities to better enforce consumer rights in the car rental sector.

Commission works with European consumer authorities to better enforce consumer rights in the car rental sector

Brussels, 13 July 2015

Today, five major car rental companies have agreed to significantly review how they deal with consumers thanks to a joint action from the European Commission and national enforcement authorities. Citizens will benefit from more clarity on insurance policies and tank refuelling options, more fairness when handling damages, and more price transparency. Complaints related to car rentals received by the European Consumer Centres have increased sharply in the last two years.

Věra Jourová, EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality welcomed today’s agreement: “Booking a car online, renting it in one country and returning it in another is very simple today. Unfortunately, car rental terms and conditions are sometimes too vague or lack clarity. Consumers are too often left with unplanned extra costs. Five major car rental companies have now pledged to improve their information policies and make their terms and conditions fairer for consumers. I welcome their commitment and the excellent work done by the national consumer authorities in ensuring a better deal for European consumers.”

The companies have pledged to better align current car rental practices to the requirements of consumer legislation, set out by EU rules on consumer rights, unfair commercial practices and unfair terms).

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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