Immediately seek legal advice. Call some attorneys in your area.
With luck one of them will take your case and litigate on your behalf.
As @BobJarvis points out in his comment below:
"The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) might also have some
interest in cases such as this, and if they accept it and litigation
becomes necessary they would most likely cover the costs as they would
be the litigant. It appears you’re in Chicago – their contact info is:
ACLU of Illinois 180 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 2300 Chicago, IL 60601
Telephone: 312-201-9740. I suggest contacting them."
A policeman in California was recently fired for sexual misconduct that included texting women he arrested. This was the less serious offense; he also forwarded intimate pictures the women had sent to their husbands/boyfriends to his own phone. For that he was himself charged, but managed to avoid prison. And I suspect any officer who would do this would also make a trade like that in return for entry permission.
Report the office to the officer in charge of the nearest customs office and the head of the airport. This behavior is completely not allowed, and he will face discipline, including possibly being fired. His conduct is dishonorable and unprofessional, so let them know how seriously you take it and they will deal with it.
Taken from How CBP Handles Traveler Complaints:
Complaints concerning allegations of misconduct/discrimination
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection takes allegations of employee misconduct and discrimination very seriously.
- Allegations of misconduct or discrimination are referred to the CBP Office of Internal Affairs. Personnel are specially trained to investigate and review allegations.
- If warranted, CBP will take appropriate action against the employee.
OPA – MS1345
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
1300 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20229How to file a complaint? Please see the complaints section of the customer service page.
In addition, "complaints section" is a link, which, after a couple of steps, will lead you to Submit a Complaint/Concern.
The behavior may be argued to be discrimination, but it is certainly misconduct. The text message ought to serve as clear evidence of the misconduct, so your cousin’s complaint would likely have a real effect.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024