Identifying a church by a lake and a railway line, claimed to be in the Canton of Lucerne

Identifying a church by a lake and a railway line, claimed to be in the Canton of Lucerne

7/14/2020 2:58:57 PM

Alte Kirche St. Georg und Nikolaus, Flüelen, Canton of Uri, Switzerland

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(from Wikimedia Commons)

Found by noting the time & direction of shadows, inferring that the view was facing north, looking for lakeshores in Switzerland that run roughly north-south with the lake on the west (there are not a lot of them) and with railroad track running near the shore, and a healthy dose of dumb luck. Note that the lake is in fact Lake Lucerne, but the town is not in the Canton of Lucerne.

It is difficult to recreate the first view on Google Maps, but here is a Street View location showing both the church and the promontory in the distance:

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And here it is in the mid-20th century. The road must have been put in some time in the early 20th century.

enter image description here

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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