I've lost my ID, will I still be able to travel?

10/7/2017 8:50:38 PM

As others stated, you won’t make it without an Id, so your best bet is to request a new ID.
A Portuguese ID can be requested with very high urgency. You can do it today and still get it today or Friday (depending on your flight schedule it might work), plus it’s close enough from the airport to just go there directly after (assuming you’re in Lisbon).

https://www.portaldocidadao.pt/web/instituto-dos-registos-e-do-notariado/cartao-de-cidadao See “custo”

You will pay 50 Euros but it might be worth it.

You can request/make it in any “citizen shop”/loja do cidadadão but you will have to get the physical card at “justice campus”/campus da justiça in Parque das Nações, Lisbon. Again, assuming you’re in Lisbon, since you have to get it there I would just go there directly ASAP. They’re open until 19h.

Also, they will give you a receipt that allows you to drive. At least that happens in a regular renewal since they keep your old ID. I am not sure that paper would work for flying as well. You might want to ask there just as plan B.

10/4/2017 2:20:37 PM

You have a bigger problem than “will Ryanair let me fly” but rather “will I be admitted to the UK”. To be admitted to the UK, you must usually have a passport, or an EEA national identity card. You don’t have either, which makes admission difficult. You would only be admitted if you can convince the Border Officer of your EU citizenship. If you aren’t admitted, Ryanair will be fined, and forced to take you back to wherever you came from. Ryanair won’t take the risk of this happening. You won’t be allowed to fly.

10/4/2017 10:50:41 PM

I can only answer to you how the situation in Switzerland and the Netherlands is. You are able to aquire an emergency passport at the airport, when you lose your ID or passport or when it has been stolen. Be sure to arrive a couple of hours earlier than normally, because you probably won’t be the only one having that issue.

Take the following things with you:

  1. Flight Tickets
  2. Hotel reservation
  3. Some kind of document from your village, where they state, who you are
  4. A copy of your stolen ID card
  5. The police report
  6. If you have already ordered a new ID, take a copy of the ordering conformation with you
  7. Drivers licence or some other official card
  8. A picture which is complient with the picture rules for ID cards
  9. About 50-150 Euro

This is the goverment website for an emergency passport at Zürich Airport in German

And the one in dutch for Amsterdam Schiphol


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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