At many airlines, you can change your seat during the online check-in. Try this first to change your seat or to upgrade the seat of your husband if there is a free seat next to you.
Otherwise come early to the check-in and as the check-in agent if it is possible to swap the seat.
This would, indeed, be in bad taste. I’m not sure there’s a specific rule for the situation, but airlines generally frown upon soliciting their passengers, and they view seats as something they assign and do not guarantee, not property to be sold.
It is, however, not uncommon to offer to switch seats with someone in order to allow families to sit together, without any money changing hands. You could approach someone sitting by your husband and offer him your seat, explaining that it comes with extra legroom. He may take you up on the offer, but might have particular reasons to prefer his current seat (it might be next to his family).
There is an app called Seateroo that’s intended to create an online marketplace for seat selling. I’ve never used it, find it pretty ridiculous, and would imagine that the odds of finding someone else who is sitting near your husband and wants to buy your seat on your particular flight is pretty darn low, but it does exist.
The typical and widely expected scenario would be you offering your ‘better’ seat to the person sitting next to your husband as an enticement to switch.
You would essentially be paying them with the better seat.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
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4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024