I got refused twice for B1 Visa, is it okay to apply once again?

2/14/2019 7:50:24 PM

Unlike the other answers I think you should apply again immediately however do not lie about your financial situation. You’re is a sponsored trip.

It does not make sense for a third year engineering graduate to abscond in the USA. Some of the consular officers are just unsympathetic and sometimes downright unreasonable. As a student, one of your strongest ties is to your education and the desire to complete it. Increasing your family finance artificially won’t change your profile.

In the country I am originally from the average university student comes from a family with annual income maybe $5000/year or less and many get visas duering the summer to ostensibly visit relatives.

Additionally in my time we were issued visas under your very same circumstances, albeit that was a couple decades ago and the current immigration situation is more hostile.
Anecdotally I have a friend a year my junior who was refused three times in two week and granted the visa on the fourth try. What do you have to lose, $160.

2/15/2019 4:35:18 PM

Me: … In which we are going to visit Google head office and other silicon valley locations.

Them: sounds like seeking employment … Which can often lead to absconding on a visa and staying in the country to work illegally.

But I want to try once again, so I concluded in order to get accepted I need to lie about my financial details. By telling my mothers occupation was from housewife to business owner. And income from 4lakhs to 16 lakhs ($6000 to $24,000)

Your logic is as follows: the USA is a blind, dumb machine which has no idea who you are, and no ability to store state information. So it will look at your new application de novo with no recall of your previous applications. And as such, there is no harm in applying any number of times. You get a cold-reset after every attempt, just like loading a save-game or starting another throwaway character in a free-to-play MMO. Don’t like your result, hit reset and do it again ’til you get it right, your only consequence is the application fee!

That is wrong. That is soooo, sooo wrong.

They will in fact remember you, will correllate the data on your new application with the data you gave them previously. They will not match, so they will look at the probability that you are deliberately lying vs. that you just made a clerical error or failed to mention something. Depending on how they feel, you’ll either get “lol, no” or a ban for deception.

To makeitwork:You would need first, to have your factual circumstances actually change, and second, be able to show convincing proof of that, with level of proof proportional to the probability of that happening. For instance if you have a job, house and wife in 10 years, you won’t need to work very hard to prove it, because that is pretty normal. But if you suddenly get them next week, you better have one whopper of an explanation how that happened and a stack of proofs that it actually did.

( I don’t know whether I can get fake documents).

You can definitely get them. And so can they. And they do, because they like to know what the fakers are producing. And when you walk in with a similar document… The jig is up. Their job is hard… it’s less hard when you do stupid things.

Also, they have been giving you hints. E.g. The question about your wife that ended the first interview, and what the B-1 visa page says. They want

You have a residence outside the United States in which you have no intention of abandoning, as well as other binding ties which will ensure your return abroad at the end of the visit

As a single, unemployed college student living with your mother, you have no particular ties to India. (Not the kinds they like to see, anyway). From immigration’s perspective, the likeliest case is that you would cheerfully take school and/or employ in the US if you could find it, and their worry is you will stay illegally and get the job for sure, instead of go home and take your chances getting the correct visa, which is in high demand.

2/13/2019 6:29:14 PM

To get a temporary visa to the US the Visa Officer needs to believe that you have sufficient ties to your home country to leave the country after the purpose of your stay is over.
If you have very little income and are going to visit Google HQ they will assume that you’d try to just stay in the US illegally.
Having a higher income and a residence will help with that. I wouldn’t think that applying again will have any chance of success.

2/13/2019 5:43:43 PM

You shouldn’t reapply before you have had a significant change in your personal circumstances. Unless you secure services of a great immigration lawyer, it seems highly unlikely that you will be able to get the decision reversed after 2 back to back refusals within weeks.

Even a lawyer can not guarantee a visa.

But I want to try once again, so I concluded my self in order to get accepted for once again. I need to lie about my financial details. By telling my mothers occupation was from housewife to business owner. And income from 4lakhs to 16 lakhs ( I don’t know whether I can get fake documents).

Never, ever, ever do that! I would not reapply immediately even with true facts in this situation.

is it a wise idea to apply once again after two times of rejection form B1 Visa?

No, it is not wise to reapply quickly without any change in circumstances.

Does it going to make any problem if lie my financial details?

Yes, big problems

IO: How did your financial situation improve 4 times in just 4 days?

Applicant: Ummm actually uhh i think…

IO: Here, you have a lifelong ban from entering US now. Have a nice day.

Here is what the law says:

The person will be barred from admission for the rest of his or her life unless the person qualifies for and is granted a waiver. The officer should examine all facts and circumstances when evaluating inadmissibility for fraud or willful misrepresentation.

INA Act 212 states that:

(C) Misrepresentation.-

(i) In general.-Any alien who, by fraud or willfully misrepresenting a
material fact, seeks to procure (or has sought to procure or has procured) a
visa, other documentation, or admission into the United States or other benefit
provided under this Act is inadmissible.

Food for thought: If an applicant’s desperation to get to the US is so glaringly obvious on a TSE post, How can the same applicant not appear like an immigration risk to a trained IO?


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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