It is totally fine for you to stay in the UK past the 6 months on your US passport, since you have citizenship/right of abode.
However, if you leave the UK, and return again using your US passport, you will face questioning based on the assumption that you have previously overstayed. This can be cleared up by showing your UK passport/anything else official that identifies you as a citizen of the UK, and explaining what happened. You can also completely avoid this by entering the UK with your UK passport on any subsequent visits.
However, these types of things give me OCD-shivers, so if I were you I’d still do as the other poster said and visit a UK Immigration office and have this matter sorted out.
For your convenience, here is the contact info you need.
Go to the nearest UKVI office and explain the situation so they can make the proper adjustments in their database
Since you were recorded as a US citizen, in their eyes you are only visa-exempt for 6 months, with any stay beyond that period illegal. Whilst you CAN stay beyond the period, since you ARE a British citizen as well, how should the Immigration authorities know unless you showed them your UK passport? I’m not saying it will lead to consequences (I wouldn’t know) but it’s always best for them to know your true “Status”. Hence why in your Situation I’d go to the UKVI, Show both passports (including your entry stamp) and ask them to “correct” their info so you’re registered as a British citizen‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024