The registration of foreign visitors staying in private accommodations is still required. It is, luckily, easily accomplished in just a few minutes. We brought along the passports, the hosts ID card, proof of apartment ownership (just in case). Upon leaving the country at the Belgrade airport, no one asked for the proof.
Also, during the stay in Serbia, we made a car trip into Croatia for a few days, and returned to Belgrade by car. No one asked to see the proof when crossing from Serbia into Croatia, so we did not re-register upon returning to Serbia.
From the National Organization of Tourism in Serbia:
Serbian organizations and individuals providing accommodation to foreigners against payment, as well as locals hosting visiting foreigners, must register the foreigner’s stay with the local police station within 24 hours of the commencement of the accommodation arrangement, or of the foreign visitor’s arrival.
A foreigner not using official accommodation nor staying with a private individual must register his or her stay and change of address with the local police station within 24 hours of arriving at the place of residency or of the change of address. A place of residency is where a foreigner intends to stay for more than 24 hours.
So the way I read it is that any place you stay you or the person/organization providing you with accommodation in Serbia will have to register with local police within 24 hours if your stay at that location is longer then 24 hours. So with that in mind: Airlines will not provide you with registration unless they let you stay on their property in Serbia. You can probably register ahead of time using the form @Dirty-flow linked in his answer but according to the law you will need to register yourself in 24 hours or if someone provide you with accommodation they will need to do this in 12.
You can read Article 75 of the law regarding foreigners from the Ministry of Interior’s site.
You have to register yourself if you stay longer than 24h. I found some information on the US Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA):
If you are staying in a private home, you must register with the local
police station with authority over the area where you are staying
within 24 hours of arriving in Serbia. If you do not register, you may
be subject to fines, jail, or deportation. If you do not register you
may also have difficulty with the airport police when you try to leave
the country. If you are staying in a hotel or other public place such
as a hostel, motel, or private campground, it is customary for
property management to register you with the police
I also found a registration form, but as you can see, it’s only in serbian, french and russian. They require information about birthday, birthplace, nationality, passport number, visa, how long you’re allowed to stay in Serbia, when and where you entered the country, adress where you stay.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024