How to spend 1am to 7am in NYC port authority

4/17/2016 11:19:12 PM

Last time I was in NYC overnight waiting for an early morning bus out of Port Authority, I spent a few hours in the Starbucks on 42nd Street east of 8th Avenue. You can see it from the Port Authority terminal’s main entrance on 8th.

The bad news is that it’s no longer open 24 hours.

The good news is that there’s another Starbucks at 43rd and Broadway that is open 24 hours. This is the part of Times Square that you see on TV. Spend a few hours drinking coffee and surfing the net on the free Wi-Fi. This will be about a five minute walk from Port Authority.

(And regular coffee refills are still 50 cents, or free if you have a registered Starbucks card.)

To get to Times Square, walk out the doors of Port Authority, (at that time of night the 42nd Street entrance is closed; you will come out on the 8th Avenue entrance) ignore anyone who attempts to speak to you at the doors of the building (unless it’s obviously NYPD or MTA), then walk the same direction you are facing, down 42nd Street to 7th Avenue and turn left.

This is very unlikely to cost you more than $70.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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