How to search for a late checkout hotel?

10/23/2016 11:10:49 AM

As far as I could find, there isn’t any search engine that can specifically find late-checkout rooms. Some hotel chains offer it on their websites or list the late-checkout in their description, but you’d have to manually go through the list of hotels in the area. For example, you can search for “Montreal” + “late check out” in Google to find some options.

Otherwise several websites offer options for booking a “day room”, but that usually means checking in around 9:00 and checking out by 17:00, which isn’t exactly what you’re looking for. Some random examples from Google:

As suggested by @mts it might be possible to contact one of those hotels directly and arrange a different check-in/check-out time.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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