How to receive an Australian tourist visa after getting denied once?

6/16/2018 5:40:56 PM

You can certainly re-apply for an Australian visit visa, but you will have to overcome the conclusion reached in your previous application. The wedding mentioned in your last application has long since passed, your relationship to the family was questioned, as was how long you wanted to be there.

Your refusal, under 600.211 Schedule 2 of the Regulation, basically says you were not believed to be a genuine visitor, and there was a likelihood that you might overstay or otherwise breach visa conditions.

However, there were strong points in your favor: employment, home ownership, funds, travel history, so perhaps you mistakenly indicated 3 months, rather than what might be considered reasonable for such an event, e.g, 7-10 days.

In any future application, you might consider why you wish to visit and present a very strong premise (in light of the refusal on record) and whether migration might be an option.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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