I figured it out!
Find a SEPA slip to pay the ticket fee to get the bank account details, use a inexpensive international wire transfer service like TransferWire (I have links to others below) to send the money via the internet from your bank account or a credit card.
The full story:
I visited Germany this last summer (Aug 2018) and managed to get a speeding ticket driving through a small town outside Berlin. After arriving back home in the states, I started receiving letters in the mail notifying me of the infraction with a website I could go to for an online hearing or to pay the fine. Unfortunately, the website only provided means of paying via bank transfer from within banks in Germany or within the EU. No US option at all.
However, the website’s payment options included a partially completed SEPA slip, much like the one you’ve included in the photo above: the wide form with the yellow & white background and red borders. This form should have all the details you need to kick off an international wire transfer. Unfortunately, my bank (Ally Bank) doesn’t currently offer international wire transfers (and domestic ones cost $20, yuck!).
The good news is that there are lots of businesses on the internet that specialize in precisely this! Nerd Wallet recently wrote a very good article on several of the services that are available ( https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/banking/best-ways-to-wire-money-internationally/ ). I ultimately chose to go with TransferWire. The sign-up process was painless, I was able to pay via Credit Card, currency conversion rates were covered in the transfer. Fees came to about $4, and could have been lowered more if I transferred directly from my bank account.
The only slightly tricky part was making sure that I was plugging in the right information from the SEPA form into the right spots on the wire transfer. Here’s the reference I used:
And that’s about it. It took me about a hour of looking around online at threads just like this one to figure out how to pay the ticket. Once I knew what I was doing, knocking out the payment took about 5 minutes.
I recently received a letter from Europcar informing me of a traffic violation incurred in Rastatt while driving their rental car, they were obliged by German law to supply my name and address information to German law enforcement. Presumably I will be receiving a similar violation from Germany as the one you have shown.
I took the liberty of translating the relevant text from the back of page 1, using Google Translate:
To avoid legal disadvantages please note carefully!
Personal information (only complete if the information on the front page is incorrect or incomplete)
First name / name / Nationality
Postal code / city / telephone (optional) / birthday
Street / house number / place of birth
Information on the legal representative (voluntary information for persons up to the age of 18)
Name of the law. Representative / Father-Mother-Guardian (check as appropriate)
Postcode / City / Street / House No.
Information on the matter (voluntary information)
Will the traffic violation be added? Yes-No (check as appropriate)
(If no, please explain below – if necessary, separate sheet)
Place / Date / Signature / Reference: (please always indicate when replying)
Well, I see no difference between your case and mine, some traffic violation occurred, and local authorities in some German city will be expecting payment.
I can only hope this does not affect my ability to drive in Germany in future years. The letter from Europcar did not seem to preclude the possibility of renting from them again, and as someone else mentioned in their answer, it seems that the statue of limitations on minor violations is very short indeed.
As to your concern of entering Germany on some future trip, and finding your entry into the country blocked due to minor violations, this is a non-issue if you enter the EU from some other point of entry. I found out this past year by flying from the U.S. to Germany via Iceland – my “point of entry” was considered to be Iceland, and when I stepped off the Iceland flight in Germany, arrivals were treated as locals, there was NO customs checkpoint as for flights arriving directly from the U.S. Alternately, you could pick someplace like Paris as your EU point of entry, and take a bus or train into Germany, there are no borders in the EU (except for Switzerland!)
Hope this helps somebody else in the future!
I had the same problem and it’s surprisingly difficult
The letter does look like a German traffic ticket and claims to be issued by the competent authority. If time and location (Autobahn 65 between Ludwigshafen and Karlsruhe) are plausible, I would accept it as legitimate. Unfortunately, the state treasury doesn’t seem to publish its bank account number on its website for verification; therefore, in theory, an elaborate scammer who learned of the details of your trip might have created a realistic ticket and just placed his own account number there, but that doesn’t seem likely.
The ticket is for speeding: You drove 89 km/h where there was a speed limit of 80 km/h (on an Autobahn, that most likely means there was construction work going on, or you were approaching an area with construction work). This is treated as a relatively minor infraction (Ordnungswidrigkeit), for which the statute of limitations is at most six months.
Now for your options:
several thing are suggesting me that it is legitim:
they are asking you to pay, and the bank info is ok https://www.iban-rechner.de/iban_validieren.html
the sender is the Polizeipräsidium Speyer Bußgeldstelle and the address match the google address
so I qould say yes! it is a speed ticket because the driver drove 9 km/h over the speed limit defined for that area…
What are my options? Wire transfer is $50, for a EUR10 fee this is
I would write exactly that in an email.. or make a phone call to them and explain that… they are willing to help you!!
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024