Validity in trains first:
Yes, local buses and trains in Schleswig-Holstein (where Lübeck is) have a common ticket and fare system ( There are some exceptions (certain buses in Flensburg, certain buses on islands, certain ferries), but it shouldn’t be a problem for you.
Nonetheless, I recommend not using the train you found. While the bus-train combination is 3 minutes faster (26min vs 29min), the buses there are much more frequent than the train, and the the available time at the train station can be as short as 3 minutes. The train station is not big, but if the bus is late (harbor…), you’ll have to wait another hour (at least, if you wait for the train, instead of getting on the next bus)
About the payment in buses:
Hard cash is pretty much universally accepted (other than some long-distance buses where booking online is the only option, and things like private company transportation for employees where other people can buy in too).
If you don’t have the exact amount, it shouldn’t be a problem; as long as the amount is reasonable: Meaning, no 100€ notes or something like that. They won’t necessarily have enough change money, and they’ll be wary of counterfeits.
Some companies do have rechargeable cards, others don’t, but as said you don’t need one.
Credit cards (or any kind of bank card) won’t be accepted.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024