I applied for ‘Tourist Visa’ of Singapore. The visa stamped from Singapore Consulate, Karachi is much similar to the image above, only the difference is of ‘Type of Visa’. In my case, Type of Visa = DOUBLE JOURNEY. Every tourist visitor needs to fill the ‘Embarkment Form’ which is available at Singapore Airport and collected by Immigration Officer. In the Embarkment Form, they ask about how much duration of stay you required in Singapore either 14 days or 30 days, so I selected the 30 days. The immigration officer granted 30 days without asking even a single question.
After that a higher ranking immigration officer asked a few question from me; reason for these questions might have been my nationality and my physical appearance (keeping heavy beard). Anyway, the questions were:
The eligibility requirements and process for obtaining a tourist visa to Singapore are available on Singapore’s Immigration and Checkpoints Authority web site. They list Pakistan as a Level II Assessment country and require visitors from Pakistan to complete form 14A. This form asks the intended length of stay and the visa is likely to be issued accordingly.
While not stated on the ICA site, tourism sites indicate that a Singapore tourist visa can initially be issued for up to 30 days. However, if no time period is indicated on the application form, the visa will be issued for 14 days. A social visa (for visiting family/friends) may allow a longer initial period. Once in Singapore, the visa can be extended one time for up to a total of 90 days from first entry.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024