How to determine if a hostel room is a walk-through room?

10/24/2011 9:51:01 AM

Don’t just check one site, check all the sites that rate hostels:

TripAdvisor lets you review anything, not just hostels, and not only ones you booked through them, unlike the hostel-specific sites. It’s easiest to look up each one that looks interesting by name since they mix hostels in with “specialty lodging”.

TripAdvisor even lets you email people who did a review and ask them specific questions!

Here’s an example for Nova Hostel in Moscow. Look for the links that say “Ask … about …”

Ask dizemka about Nova Hostel

10/23/2011 10:19:54 PM

There’s little you can do, apart from the obvious, depending how thorough you want to be:

  • Check the photos – see if it shows the dorms and the layout
  • Check the reviews, hopefully you left a review about it, and others may have too.
  • Email them – ask the layout of the room and any other suitable questions.
  • Or even call them – a friendly chat will also let you know their level of English, which can be useful to know in advance.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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