How to deter theft of checked baggage at baggage carousels?

3/6/2015 2:25:24 AM

Number one easiest way: A padlock.

It comes down to psychology: you’re looking for a bag to steal – are you going to choose a locked one or an easily-opened one?

Secondly, having a unique, distinct bag is likely a deterrent too. A thief is less likely to pick up the gaudy unicorn-emblazoned pink and purple backpack than the standard black bag that has 9 duplicates of it on the carousel. Here’s a source on that one

Try not to make a bathroom stop until you’ve got your bag. The longer it’s travelling around the carousel on its own, the longer it’s unattended and inviting attention.

Another simple idea is to buy cheap, simple luggage (expensive luggage implies the contents may be valuable too).

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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