How to deal with contact numbers while traveling?

9/2/2016 9:38:30 PM

Even if many countries switched to 00 (which is apparently recommended by the ITU) in the last decades, the international dialing prefix can indeed be different. Traditionally, business numbers were written as + [country code] [number without the long distance prefix] and it was up to the caller to substitute the right call prefix. Fortunately, modern mobile phones now take care of this for you. So you should be able to use the full number with + directly in your contact list and let the phone handle those numbers correctly wherever you are.

I always record all numbers that way, with country code and area prefix included – including local numbers and other numbers in my current country of residence – and never had any trouble – whether difficulties reaching a specific number or unexpected charges. I even moved to another country with my whole contact list without needing to update anything to use my new number/SIM card.

Note that I did not personally test this solution in either Canada or Ecuador.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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