How to clean yourself after you've used this style of western toilet in India?

How to clean yourself after you've used this style of western toilet in India?

12/14/2018 8:25:14 AM


If you travel France, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Brasil, Argentina, try to look for this specific device which serves the purpose


12/14/2018 7:44:58 AM

  • crumple a bunch of toilet paper.
  • Wet it up
  • Use it on your private part after you done.

Pro tips : its better if you imbue the wet toilet paper with soap for cleaner private part.

12/13/2018 6:27:59 PM

See the thing on the left. This is known as Muslim Shower. I guess mostly used by Muslims. It is used to clean your dirty areas.

12/14/2018 11:51:32 AM

It’s easy, use the hose! while you’re sitting on the toilet seat, direct the hose to your private area (do not insert it there, of course), press and get yourself cleaned.

This answer explains how to use the hose.

enter image description here

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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