How to calculate stays against 90/180 visa rules?

How to calculate stays against 90/180 visa rules?

2/13/2020 8:27:07 PM

The visa stay calculators are tricky to use in general, but this one (yes, it’s mine!) is very intuitive: you just pick your date ranges on the full-sized calendar and it shows you in red which dates (if any) get you into trouble. When you’ve settled on a ‘safe’ itinerary, you just print the whole thing out and show it at the border if you run into trouble.

Better safe than sorry.

enter image description here

6/19/2018 6:25:43 PM

Hey friends you can use to calculate remaining days in Schengen countries. It gives accurate results and easy to use.

8/23/2016 2:00:04 PM

Check this out:

It may answer many questions.

enter image description here

9/30/2015 8:53:12 AM calculates this for you. Its easy to use but its just for schengen countries.

7/5/2014 1:10:54 PM

The European Commission has a calculator as well, available in a “pop-over” from this page about Border Crossing. It comes with no guarantees (from the user’s guide: “The calculator is a helping tool only”) and presumably gives the same results as other calculators but it’s from a somewhat official source so hopefully it’s maintained by people who know the rules inside out.

5/12/2013 8:53:15 AM

Surprisingly for me, I already managed to find two websites so far that can calculate this: provides one for calculating Turkish visas:
bodrumbulletin visa calculator provides a prettier one for calculating visas for “The European Union or Russia”:
visacalc visa calculator

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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