The visa stay calculators are tricky to use in general, but this one (yes, it’s mine!) is very intuitive: you just pick your date ranges on the full-sized calendar and it shows you in red which dates (if any) get you into trouble. When you’ve settled on a ‘safe’ itinerary, you just print the whole thing out and show it at the border if you run into trouble.
Better safe than sorry.
Hey friends you can use to calculate remaining days in Schengen countries. It gives accurate results and easy to use.
Check this out:
It may answer many questions. calculates this for you. Its easy to use but its just for schengen countries.
The European Commission has a calculator as well, available in a “pop-over” from this page about Border Crossing. It comes with no guarantees (from the user’s guide: “The calculator is a helping tool only”) and presumably gives the same results as other calculators but it’s from a somewhat official source so hopefully it’s maintained by people who know the rules inside out.
Surprisingly for me, I already managed to find two websites so far that can calculate this:
provides one for calculating Turkish visas:
provides a prettier one for calculating visas for “The European Union or Russia”:‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024