To me the ‘simplest’ solution would be to welcome them to the city, and say you’re happy to host, but that you’re busy and can really only take people for a couple of days. Ask them which days suit them the best.
It’s up to them whether or not that works. They may find something more suitable, or they’ll be happy to meet you, and then move on, perhaps to another couch and another experience.
It’s not rude at all if you explain up front. You’re offering them your couch, after all! 🙂 Everyone has busy lives and it’s understandable that you might be able to put off commitments and activities for a couple of days to host guests from out of town, but that you can’t afford to do it (time-wise) for any longer.
Be clear, up front and explain that you’re only able to offer two days as you have a lot going on, and they’ll be fine with it.
And if on the second day, you decide you’re actually loving having them there, there’s nothing stopping you from offering an extra day or two!‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024