How to apply for a Schengen business visa without being asked for a work permit?

10/10/2016 6:10:07 AM

I did manage to get the visa and am already back from a successful stay in Sweden. Here is a description of my experience.

After posting here and a few emails later I was sent a document from the embassy containing a list of reasons for exempt titled,

Exemptions from the requirement of a residence permit – Immigration
Act Section 5, cf. the Immigration Regulations Section 1-1 first, second
and third paragraphs

Its a long document listing many reasons to be exempt from a resident permit. Some of them are obvious ones like if the applicant visiting to take care of their family members. The ones that applied to me were following. I am quoting important parts from the document.

  • 3.1 Commercial and business travellers

Commercial and business travellers are exempt from the residence permit requirement for employment relationships of a duration of up to three months, cf. the Immigration Regulations section 1-1 first paragraph letter a).

By commercial and business travellers is meant people who are to
participate in meetings, conferences, contract negotiations etc.

  • 3.2. Persons with technical qualifications

Persons with technical qualifications who are to install, disassemble,
inspect, repair, maintain or provide information on the use of
machinery or technical equipment are exempt from the residence permit
requirement for employment relationships of a duration of up to three

…Examples of persons included in this category are:

engineers, computer electronics technicians, engine mechanics, power
supply operators, operators (e.g. installing software), railway track
workers, lift fitters, refrigeration and heat pump fitters, consulting
engineers, ICT service workers, computer engineers and IT

So I emailed the embassy citing these two points and everything I am to be doing falls under these two categories.

I stated that I will only be discussing my possible involvement in their company and the actual “work” I may do following those will be solely be done back in Sri Lanka.

I also described my technical proficiency. I provided proof that I have experience in the specific technologies that the company is looking for. I provided a copy of my computer science and engineering degree certificate.

I was polite, brief and to the point.

Within hours I was emailed that my application is approved. But they also said it was not a clear cut case and that they are assuming the best in me.

I think these are the points that I’ll take away.

  • Embassies indeed want to give as much opportunities as possible to
    the travelers. They helped me to make my case.

  • If you are informed that your application might be dropped, ask them
    how to make a stronger case.

  • Be polite and brief. I am no expert but I feel this may have helped
    the decision to go my way when it was on the fence.

About me

Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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