I have transited through Belarus several times. You are not required to check in at the hotel with a prior arrangement. There are many reasons why people change hotels. You can stay at any hotel and Belarusian authorities don’t care which hotel you stay as long as you exit the country within 48 hours. You don’t want to overstay 48 hours otherwise you’ll be detained at the border, pay fines, miss scheduled train or flight and possible future visa denial.
If you travel to Belarus with a tourist visa then hotel or your Belarusian host are required to register you within 5 business days if your stay will be longer than 5 business days. Failure to register could negatively impact your future visa.
Remember Belarus is an authoritarian country so don’t take any chances overstaying your visa or skip registration. You must carry your passport, migration card and registration card with you at all times. The police do have the rights to stop you for no reason and inspect your papers. I am US citizen and I live in Russia for 9 years. I’ve seen my friends in Russia get detained, pay fines or deported for not following visa or registration rules.
In the end I booked a cheap hotel for a night and never set foot in it. I could have checked in and out five minutes later, as suggested above, but the cheap hotels were all a long way from where I planned to spend the day, so this wasn’t an appealing prospect.
I figured that even if this was technically illegal and could potentially invalidate my visa, as my travel agent suggested, it would be well past midnight before the hotel decided I definitely wasn’t going to arrive, and by then I would be out of the country.
As it happened, the train into the country was sufficiently late that the entry stamp in my passport read 19 June rather than 18 June, so I could have avoided all this with a transit visa, but obviously I wasn’t to know the train would be delayed.
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024